MLB Releases TV Schedule for First Few Games

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Yankees do not know who they are playing or what day they are playing, but they know what time they will be playing. It's 99% sure that the Yankees will take the Wednesday game, but even if they do not, the starting time will be 6:07. This is good news for all the kids out there wanting to stay up to watch the games, but for adults and college students like me, I cannot get out of class to attend the game that I have tickets for. Ten years ago, I would have loved that it would be starting now, instead I'm pissed off. Basically the MLB has been screwing around with me and the playoffs my whole life.

But I have tickets for Game 2 of the ALCS which is a Saturday, so I luck out there.

Here are some of the other times of the games assuming the Yankees play on Wednesday:

Wednesday, October 7
2:37 p.m. Game 1 – Rockies at Phillies
6:07 p.m. Game 1 – Tigers/Twins at Yankees
9:37 p.m. Game 1 – Cardinals at Dodgers

Thursday, October 8
2:37 p.m Game 2 – Rockies at Phillies
6:07 p.m. Game 2 – Cardinals at Dodgers
9:37 p.m. Game 1 – Red Sox at Angels

Friday, October 9
6:07 p.m. Game 2 – Tigers/Twins at Yankees
9:37 p.m. Game 2 – Red Sox at Angels

Saturday, October 10

6:07 p.m. Game 3 – Dodgers at Cardinals
9:37 p.m. Game 3 – Phillies at Rockies

Here's the list of the entire playoff schedule.


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