The Curse of Peter Abraham?
Monday, October 12, 2009
In this day in age, whenever things begin to go awry for a team people begin coming up with names of curses because of the Curse of the Bambino and Curse of the Billy Goat. So, yesterday I thought of one after the Yankees had won Game 3. What about the curse of Pete Abraham?
In case you do not know, Peter Abraham had the most popular beat-writer blog on the Yankees at the LoHud Yankees Blog. It was and still is the best Yankee blog out there. It is where we get all our lineups and news about the Yankees and incase you didn't notice we attributed our lineups to Pete Abe's blog. About two weeks ago, he gave us fans the news that he was moving to the Boston Globe to cover the hated Red Sox.
His first assignment? Covering the ALDS between them and the Angels. As we all know the Red Sox got swept and the Yankees advanced. Pete Abe began covering the Yankees in 2006. As you know they were unable to get out of the first round in 06,07, and missed the playoffs in 2008. Before that, he covered the Mets, but it is the Mets so nobody really expected them to do well anyway. Now the Red Sox are unable to get out of the first round as the Yankees advance.
Coincidence or curse?
We can only wait and see if poor Pete can get out of the first round, if not, then he may be bad news for the teams he is sent to cover.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This post is to be taken in a light matter and in no way do I actually believe this is a curse but just a funny coincidence I noticed. The fact that he switched from Yankees to Red Sox and the fact that there is always talk of curses with these two team made me think this would be a humorous post.
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