Jay-Z sues Big Papi

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jay-Z is suing the Red Sox's David Ortiz over the name of a nightclub Ortiz opened in the Dominican Republic.

Jay-Z has a chain of clubs called 40/40, after the accomplishment of hitting 40 homers and stealing 40 bases in a season. Apparently, Ortiz named his Dominican club Forty-Forty. I'm not sure what Jay-Z's deal is, those names are completely different.

The lawsuit is seeking $5 million in damages (which I think is too much, seeing how Ortiz is going to be out of a job after this season). It's pretty obvious that Jay-Z will win. What is Ortiz going to say? "I have the ability to hit 40 homers and steal 40 bases." Yeah, at this point, it's more likely that I hit 40 homers and steal 40 bases in a season than Ortiz does.

This will make some interesting camera shots the first time the Red Sox play at Yankee Stadium on May 17. Every time Ortiz comes to bat, YES cuts to Jay-Z in the stands staring angrily at Lil Pop-Up. It will be great.

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