It's finally here...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

People are going to church, praising the Lord, visiting family and friends, and celebrating this joyous day. What day is that, you ask?

Opening Day

It's been 6 months since we've had the opportunity to watch live, competitive baseball that actually mattered, but that all changes tonight.

I'll post the lineups later tonight before the game but I wanted to get some stuff out of the way first.

First off, you may have noticed the layout's changed. We just wanted to make it look a little fresh as we head into a new season. We are working on a banner with a nice picture, but we haven't quite got it perfect yet, but it will be up soon.

This is just your periodic reminder to become a fan of us on Facebook. If you're on Twitter, you can follow the blog @KaysSuccessors to get a link to new posts. We also both have our own personal pages @jphealy and @jgeant. We'll be Tweeting during the game tonight, but we have discovered a way for our Tweets to show up on the blog, so stay tuned for that.

I have a few things to do before the game tonight, so I'll be back with the lineups as soon as I can.


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The owners, operators, and writers of the Michael Kay's Successors blog are in no way sponsored, endorsed or affiliated with the New York Yankees or the aforementioned Michael Kay. Because if they were, we'd be on World Series championship #39 by now.

Also, anything written about broadcaster/on-air personalities is all in good fun and meant to be taken as a joke.

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