How closely did you pay attention to the 2009 Yankees?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

This has been making the rounds on the internet, so I thought I'd post it.

A quiz asking you to name everyone who appeared in at least one game for the 2009 Yankees has been created on Sporcle, a gaming website.

If you are unfamiliar with Sporcle, you probably fall into one of three categories;

  1. You were not a senior in high school in May 2009 (as I was)
  2. You are not someone with a lot of free time on their hands
  3. You have the ability to not procrastinate (I am in awe of you)
The Mission Statement for the website is "We actively and methodically search out new and innovative ways to prevent our users from getting any work done whatsoever." This fit perfectly into my philosophy for school last year after March 13 (the day I got the acceptance letter from Syracuse), which was: "Actively and methodically search out new and innovative ways to prevent from getting any work done whatsoever." It so happens that this was the philosophy of many classmates, so we all caught on to playing it (and even got a few teachers who accepted the fact that we had full-blown Senior-itis to start playing).

There's a quiz about almost anything from Countries of the World (there's 195, in case you were wondering) to listing the things mentioned in Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, to naming every Pokemon (I witnessed this being completed), to filling in lyrics to the theme from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which anyone who grew up in the 90's should be able to tell you most of (come on, you know it, "West Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days").

Some other Yankee-centric quizzes include: Yankees retired numbers (My Personal Record in this one is 30 seconds), Yankees Managers, Yankees Captains, and Teams that have lost to the Yankees in the World Series. Even more can be found here.

Despite how this sounds, this was not a paid advertisement (unless Sporcle wants to pay me, I'm 100% cool with that), just something to write about until we get to some actual baseball news when Spring Training starts. We're resigned to nothing but football news until then (I think I know more about Dwight Freeny's ankle than my own at this point), but Yankees pitchers and catchers report in less than two weeks (February 17). So stick with us as we get ready for that, and we'll have some fun stuff for you.



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The owners, operators, and writers of the Michael Kay's Successors blog are in no way sponsored, endorsed or affiliated with the New York Yankees or the aforementioned Michael Kay. Because if they were, we'd be on World Series championship #39 by now.

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